2016 was a great year! In fact, it was one of the most exciting year’s of travel for me. I spent the majority of the year travelling throughout 14 countries (a few of them more than once) on 5 different continents.
I got to check off several goals on my bucket list such as swimming with whale sharks, surprising my mom with a trip and purchasing an Airstream.
I learned a lot in 2016 about myself, relationships, marriage, friendship and running a business. While some may feel happy to see 2016 go, I am grateful for the last 12 months including the hard times because they forced me to grow.
While I’ll go into more detail as to what’s in store for 2017 in an upcoming post, I do want to say that it’s going to be amazing year for us. Not only do I mean “us” as a way to refer to both mine and your personal life, but “us” as in the Hopscotch the Globe Tribe.
Siya and I are so very grateful for your support over the years. We really wouldn’t be able to do everything we do without you.
YOU are a HUGE part of what makes Hopscotch the Globe what it is!
When Siya and I are travelling, we actually feel you’re with us every step of the way, and it makes us feel so happy. Your excellent questions, thoughtful input and kind comments is what keeps our community alive and thriving. Sharing the content from this blog and our YouTube videos with your family and friends is what continues to grow our travel loving family.
What’s so incredible about the Hopscotch the Globe Tribe is that we are made up of every age, culture and religion around the world (my Google analytics can back this up). We ARE the best example of what it means to love and accept all. We are showing the world that no matter where you’re from or what you believe in, we are all one. Our community has and will continue to promote travel as a way of encouraging acceptance, tolerance and love to everyone.
We have and will continue to make a difference!
I hope you’re just as excited as I am for what’s in store for us in 2017. I have a feeling it’s going to be our best year yet!
1 Comment
Great and inspiring. My dream has always been to travel round the world and i pray it comes through.