5 Ways to Prepare for a 10K Race in Jamaica

Reggae Marathon Jamaica

In a few days, I will be in Jamaica for the first time to run my first ever race. I’ll be participating in the 10K Reggae Marathon. This run is for beginners, like myself, who have never run a race before. There’s also the Half and Full Marathon happening at the same time, but baby steps people…baby steps…

Best Coconut Water

The race will take place in Negril and will consist of sweat, good vibes and lots of Reggae music. At the finish line, there will be a beach bash where runners can relax (or collapse) on the beach with special offerings and entertainment. I’ve been also told that there will be a fresh coconut waiting for me at the finish line. This will be my motivation.

For weeks now, I have…not been training. I know. I’m a bad girl. I did 5km once on the treadmill this past week, so I figure 10k should not be that much harder (or so I tell myself). I have however, packed what I believe exactly what I’ll need to conquer this race:

Pre-Race Fuel

Sahale Snacks

Sahale Snacks

Eating a full meal several hours before a run does not sit right with me. I have a slower digestive system and if I eat a lot before the run, it will come back up with in 10 minutes into the race. This is why a Sahale Snack, along with a litre of water, is the perfect boost of energy for me. I mentioned in a past post that Sahale Snacks sent me a box of goodies a couple of months ago. They have been the perfect grab-and-go snack for me to throw in my bag before heading to the gym. One of my favourites is the Salted Caramel Apple Pecan Layered Nut Bar. It’s a combination of sweet and salty and gives me the amount of energy I need to be on my A-game throughout my daily exercise routine.

Music Playlist

Some people can run without music. I’m not one of those people. Music feeds my soul and keeps me motivated. Although there will be reggae music pumping along the trail as I run kilometre after kilometre, I do have specific songs that never fail to pump me up if I need it. For that reason, it’s necessary that I bring my own music for the run. What are the songs that keep me going you ask? At the moment, they are, in no particular order:

  1. Take Your There – Skrillex and Diplo ft. Kiesza
  2. Party Done – Machel Montanto and Angela Hunte
  3. I Love My Life – Demarco
  4. Sandstorm – Darude

Just to name a few…

Running Shoes

Best Running Shoes Asics

You can’t run a race without the proper foot attire. As a fairly active individual since I was a wee child, I’ve gone through several pairs of running shoes. The brand that I find to be excellent for running and jumping around are Asics. They may not look as fancy as other shoes, but they are super light, comfortable and provide great ankle support. These babies will hopefully help my cross the finish line.

A Comfortable, Appropriate, Cute Outfit

Running Clothing

Any type of physical activity requires clothing you can move well in. My favourite running attire includes a pair of tights, great sports bra and a t-shirt. Name brands don’t matter to me so much, but the material and quality is important. Also, the right pair of socks is a must! Not too thick, not too thin and definitely not the ones with a hole in the toe.

A Drawing of a Fresh Coconut

Coconut Drawing

Since being told that there will be fresh coconuts at the finish line, I am using this as my ammo to complete the race. As a reminder, I will be drawing a coconut on my hand for anytime I feel discouraged. That coconut will be my driving force for when I want to slow down and complain to myself. Instead, I will breath well and push forward. The things I will do for a fresh coconut…

Now I need your help…

Do you have any tips for a first time runner?

Have I missed anything on this list that I should definitely bring?


Discloser: I’m sharing #beyondordinary in my life as part of a Sahale Snacks® sponsored series for Socialstars™ As always, all content and opinions are my own.


  • It looks you have all of the goodies to ensure a fun race. Something I would also add – from a strategy standpoint – is to pace yourself. Hopefully, you\’ll feel excited at the start but let any feeling of excitement push you to try to win the race in the first 10km. Start off…. if not slowly, comfortably. And if you feel good as the race goes on, try to gradually increase your pace. But I would recommend going cautiously at the start.

    • Great advice! I’ve been told running for 10 minutes and walking for 1 is a good pace way to complete a race if you’re a beginner. It allows your body to chill out for a second before you bring up your heart rate again.


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