Need a little adventure in your life? I share some of the adventures one can experience in beautiful Thailand. From outdoor adventure, to getting a little adventurous with your food, I share some activities you should consider to make your Thailand experience a truly authentic one:
Get PADI Certified
It is no doubt that Thailand is a beautiful country on the mainland, but just wait until you explore a different world under the sea. It will be an experience you will never stop talking about. One of the most popular places in the world to get PADI certified is on Koh Tao Island in Thailand. Second only to Cairns, Australia when it comes to number of annual dive certifications (but a hell of a lot cheaper), Koh Tao offers over fifty scuba diving training schools. So, how do you know which training course to choose? It is best to always ask others about their own experiences. I dove with Coral Grand Divers and was very impressed with the training. My instructor was always patient and explained and demonstrated everything very clearly. The four-day course consists of two days of in-pool and in-classroom teaching followed by two days of open water and in-classroom training. On the forth day of the course is when you write the final exam (and hopefully pass) before you can be considered open-water classified.
Try Muay Thai
It’s nearly impossible to travel throughout Thailand and not see poster advertisements for Muay Thai matches and booming radio slogans from cars and trucks. This martial art is important to Thailand as hockey is to Canada. So, when in Thailand, why not step into the ring yourself? There are several boxing camps around Thailand that offer daily classes or full-time courses. All you need to decide is whether you want to be a fighting champion or just learn how throw a punch or two. If you’re looking for a way to burn off that large plate of Pad Thai you had the night before, taking a Muay Thai class is guaranteed to help you accomplish that as well. Regardless of your reason for training, you better bet you are going to get trained well as all of the teachers are past Muay Thai champions. No one is ever going to want to mess with you again! [click here to read the rest of this article on]