Vegan Mexican Glow Bowl

Raw Mexican Glow Bowl

Let’s travel to Mexico…without leaving the kitchen!

If you’re looking for a way to add more culture and healthier choices to your life, you’ve landed on a new beginning.

This bowl of colourful-vegan-gluten free-fresh goodness is inspired by Mexican cuisine, and is super easy to make. Whenever I make myself this dish, I feel full of energy and just overall awesome. It’s a perfect lunch time meal but if you’d prefer it for breakfast or dinner, there are no rules! Anyone can make this and trust me you will want to because this magical bowl is deliciouso!

Let’s get started!

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

The Base

  • 3 cups of shreded kale

  • 1 tomato

  • 1 avacado

  • Half a small red onion (diced)

  • 3 tablespoons of cliantro

  • 1 cup of black beans

  • 1 cup of corn

  • 1 lime

Raw “Rice”

  • 2 cups of cauliflower

  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste

Raw Walnut Taco “Meat” 

  • 1 cup of raw walnuts (soaked for 2 to 4 hours)

  • 2 teaspoons of tamari or gluten-free soy sauce

  • 2 teaspoons of olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon of curry powder

  • 1 teaspoon of chili powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground garlic powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon of onion powder

  • pinch of ground cayenne

  • sea salt to taste

Raw Macadamia Cream Dressing

  • 1/2 cup of macadamia nuts (soaked for 2 to 4 hours)

  • 3/4 cup of water

  • 2 cloves of garlic

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Place your kale into a large bowl.

In a food processor, add your cauliflower, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix for a couple of seconds until the cauliflower is in rice-size pieces. Transfer your “rice” into another bowl.

Wash your processor and then add your soaked walnuts, tamari, olive oil, curry, chili, garlic, onion, cayanne and salt into it. Mix until you get a taco meat looking consistancy.

Add your califlower rice over top of the kale in your large bowl. In sections (as shown in the photos above and below), add your tomato, onion, avacado, corn, black beans and taco meat. Sprinle your cilantro all over other ingredients.

In a blender, mix your macadamia nuts, water, garlic and salt until it reaches a smooth and creamy consistancy.

Drizzle your macadamia dressing on top. Chop your lime into four and place on the size of your dish.

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Now all that is left is to find someone to share this delicious glow bowl with…or not. You can always eat it all to yourself.

What cultural glow bowl do you want me to create next?

Make sure you leave your comments below to let me know how you enjoyed this bowl as well.


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