There will come a time in every relationship where your partner gets the travel itch. If you aren’t a traveller yourself this can seem daunting. Dating a traveller is no easy task, they’re constantly restless, very creative and one day will come up to you and say “Hey, I’m going to Madagascar…next week.” Don’t be alarmed, this is normal wanderlust behaviour and there is nothing you can do about it. As a supportive partner, you will be accepting of their voyage. After all, they may inspire you to go on your own adventure one day.
It’s in our DNA
The need to travel is almost human instinct; it’s a powerful draw to explore a foreign land. Travel is high on our lists, right next to #3) Buy a House #2) Start a Family #1) Ride a Camel in the Sahara – the order depends on you. Humans have always been explorers, migrating long distances to discover new places. Sailors would head into the blank spaces on maps just to fill them in. These days it’s easy, we can fly over the ocean without fighting pirates, unless that’s the type of trip you like. There are dozens of reasons why travel is scary, sure, but I guarantee you there’s a million reasons why it’s marvelous. Our sense of adventure is still a part of who we are, exploring the unknown and adding to our map.
Staying in Contact
Long gone are the days of international calling cards, thank you Internet! It’s easy these days to communicate with smartphones and wifi at our fingertips. If your other half is a passionate Instagrammer, you will get daily updates about their adventure. However, some travellers choose to disconnect from technology to connect with the world. Give them the freedom they desire, resist communication and save the stories for later. To travel is to be free and evolve; sometimes a person needs to detach in order to develop.
Have Your Own Adventures at Home
Time apart is essential for personal growth, you’re both doing your relationship a favour! As your partner is fulfilling their wish to scuba dive in a shipwreck, you should take this opportunity to do something you have always wanted to do as well. Go on your own little adventures, even if it’s around your own city. Hang out with an old friend, go to a concert, watch sunsets and make memories. Your partner will have a ton of stories to share when they get home, ensure you have some too.
They Won’t Come Back the Same
Finally, they’re home! Now everything can go back to normal, right? Wrong! Their bag looks like it was dragged behind a rickshaw, smells of dirty socks and incense, but they couldn’t be happier. They’re glowing with joy, wrists covered in bracelets, sandals hanging by a thread and they’re wearing a hand-made necklace from a friend they met along the way. They’ve changed and it’s alright. With each new experience there is personal growth. Typically, these changes happen gradually over time. Those who travel, the rate of change is exponentially faster. They may come home with new interests and a new outlook on life. Be patient, they may not easily adjust back into their old lifestyle. For some people, upon returning home they can experience post-travel depression. This is normal and temporary but can last longer than the actual trip. Regardless, people never regret the adventures they had, only the ones they missed. Your partner will forever remember their experience abroad and know that you supported their journey.
If it were me when I was in places with beautiful scenery like this, the first thing I would do is calm my mind and enjoy the fresh air here and watch the sunrise, look at the beautiful sea there:
This makes sense to me… the stories I could tell. Thanks for putting your thoughts down here.
Thanks for sharing, it enlighten me up since I’m currently dating someone who is living away from home. Thanks a lot.
Siya Zarrabi Thanks. I will for sure let you know when I have it confimred. Probably looking at Fall 2017 as the spots fill up fast and it gives me time to save. Might choose to fly through Fiji to get to Tonga, maybe spend a couple days there before or after. Love the planning process.
Siya Zarrabi lol yes definitely! It reminds me of our fun adventure! Miss you guys!!
I completely agree. There's something magical about having your own experiences. Some of my best times travelling were solo. I remember having so much fun riding a motorcycle up a mountain road in Thailand that I was laughing out loud. I've never again made myself laugh out loud like that.
Kristen and I are constantly going on separate adventures. It's beneficial to a healthy relationship and for personal growth. The humpback whales sound amazing! Please let us know when you do this.
Thanks Sara! You may recognize the top picture 😉
I've been to Vilnius and MInsk solo before getting to Warsaw for my exchange semester where my boyfriend finally joined me. It was a completely different experience! I got to meet people and do things I would not have otherwise, and this experience is mine alone. It's weird not being able to share it with anyone but on the other hand it's nice to have something uniquely mine <3
Great article…Definitely not easy when you date someone who’s always dreaming about traveling. The best thing about traveling alone while being in a relationship is coming back home after missing your partner for a while. This period separately can really get you closer.
Thank you for this! I'm currently dating someone who's big adventure is golfiing in Florida every year, which I don't look down on, as we're all different; where as I'm currently researching snorkelling with Humpback whales in Tonga. I feel it's proof you can be in a relationship if you're both different in you travel styles as long as your respectful of each other.
Great article Siya!!!
Thanks for reading Sara!
This good to know i was already aware of this if i ever date a Travel Girl 🙂
Absolutely! This article is hands down some great insight into dating anyone who is a traveller.
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